A CME from 11/9/2012 shown in a LASCO C2 image (left) and a difference image (right) made by subtracting the image just prior. The leading edge of the CME is denoted by the yellow arrow.
A CME is coming our way! A slow (only ~570 km/s ย Type-C), faint CME was detected by LASCO and STEREO around 15:24 UT 11/09/2012 and it is heading in the direction of Earth.
Computer models indicate that the leading edge will reach Earth 11/12/2012 around 23:00 UT (+-7 hrs). The impact is expected to be minor with the possibility for a minor geomagnetic storm. This means not a very significant event but those at high latitudes may get an auroral show.
Here is the computer model from the NASA Goddard Space Weather Research Center showing the CME on its journey through the solar system to Earth.